Frank Frontis
I am a writer/researcher/advocate in the fields of Integrative and Holistic Health and Integrative and Holistic Mental Health. Additionally, I am a writer/ researcher/practitioner in Energy and Spiritual health, healing, and wellness. Based on a relatively more recent personal evolution of interests and focus generated by new areas of training and practice I intend to pursue intently the following areas in future writings: Herbal/ Nutritional Health, Therapeutic Energy Modalities, Artistic/ Creative Therapy, Spirituality/Consciousness, and Holistic Mental Health.
My involvement in Integrative and Holistic approaches to health, healing, wellness as a student, writer, researcher, and/ or practitioner actually dates back to my teen years when, as a student, I became bored with the typical left-brained classroom, and somewhat rattled by the rambunctiousness of being a teen, and plunged myself "upside down" (Headstand fashion) into Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Pratyahara and Transcendental Meditation to experience healing, balance, and elevation for myself, physically, mentally and spiritually. **************************
As important as the goals of health, healing and wellness are, I try to keep these in perspective based on a full spect-rum model toward "Optimal Being." In such a model health, healing and wellness are simply the beginning steps, ones that set the foundation for the secondary and tertiary steps toward Consciousness Transformation and Spiritual Transcendence.
Expertise Journalism- BA, Nutrition Studies, Accredited Certificates of Completion in Integrative and Holistic Health, Integrative Mental Health, Energy Medicine; Additional Certificates Of Completion in Dianetics Mental Health and training as a Dianetics Auditor (Practitioner); Extensive studies in Spirituality/ Spiritual Healing, and Conscious- ness Transformation, Potentialities, and Transcendence. Beyond my areas of "expertise," I am just a "generalist"--oops, journalist-- capable of literally pulling out a pen (blue gel ink, please) and writing on about any subject.
Skills Journalistic skills in Magazine Writing, Research, Interviewing; Ad/Promotional Copy
Location frankfrontis.writerfolio.com/